Monday, May 30, 2016

Rock Steady Boxing Robson Ranch


Last month when I attended the Rock Steady Affiliate training program, the message of hope was communicated in such a way, that every Boxer that walked in their doors, knew there would be a better tomorrow.

I want to share the The Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson's Mission and message:  

If you are living with Parkinson's, you are not alone.

The mission of Rock Steady Boxing is to maximize the mental, emotional, and physical potential of people with Parkinson's disease throughout their lives.  The program helps them to adapt, eliminating the commonly occurring negative self-talk or self-image accompanying a degenerative, presently incurable illness.  Instead, we emphasize the enhancements possible to their quality of life and ability to perform and enjoy activities of daily living.

This is accomplished through an intensive and rigorous regimen and plan of exercise delivered in a welcoming, professional and supportive environment.

The Rock Steady Boxing workouts are designed to be challenging, but fun.  Here are just a few pictures of the Rock Steady Boxing workouts at Robson Ranch, Denton, Texas.

If you are living with Parkinson's, you are not alone.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Continuing Education at the Cooper Institute

We never stop learning, and someone is teaching me something new everyday.  I have many teachers in my life and I'm constantly reminded that I still have much to learn.  With that being said, I've had the opportunity to attend some great classes at the Cooper Institute in Dallas, Biomechanics of Resistance Training and Corrective Exercises for Injury Prevention. 

As a Trainer and Massage Therapist, the more I can learn about how our bodies interact with forces being applied to them and or the opposite, the more I can help my clients improve their quality of life.  And for many of us, that is what it is all about.  Being able to enjoy family, friends, grandkids, going to park, or simple walks.  

Exercise and massage therapy are wonderful tools that can help us all keep ourselves moving a bit more stable, and hopefully pain free.

Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson's

About a month ago I decided to join the fight against Parkinson's.  With the help and support of family, friends, and clients, I made the trip to Indianapolis to learn how to implement the Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson's program and bring it back to Robson Ranch, Denton.

We are beginning our 3rd week and so far it is going very well.  I know there are many other "battles" to join, but I decided to join this one because of my clients.  Two of my clients brought this program to my attention last year, and after researching it on my own, I knew I had to and wanted to get involved.  I knew I could help make a difference.

If you are battling Parkinson's, living with Parkinson's, you need to know you are not alone.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Low Back Pain

When somebody comes to me complaining of low back pain, we have to take a two front approach.  Exercise and Massage Therapy. 

Why?  Typically, muscles that support the low back are weak and tight.  Therefore they need to be strengthen and released.  Exercises can help strengthen and massage can help release tightness, knots, and trigger points. 

Muscles that need to be targeted for both exercise and massage are the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, adductors, and abductors as shown in the picture above.  Basically, the butt/hip muscles.  Another group that should be not neglected are the hip flexors.  Ask your Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist to work these groups. 

Two very simple exercises you can do at home:

1.  Floor Hip Bridges
2.  Floor Abdominal Crunches

Provided there is no structural issues with low back, exercise and massage therapy can be very effective in relieving low back pain. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Almost ....

Almost only counts in horseshoes and something else I was told, and in this case, I think hand-stands.

When it comes to fitness, I don't believe there should be any almost.  As I have learned and still learning, fitness is a daily journey.  One that requires commitment and consistency.  I understand "life" happens, and sometimes we all fall off the cart and get run over, but when that happens you must get back up and on the cart.

The old saying, "use it or lose it," is so true. 

Make exercise and massage therapy a part of your health and wellness journey.  I have clients well into their 70's that amaze me with their level of fitness, activity, energy, and daily commitment to living life to its fullest. 

Back on the Ranch

After spending about 4 months in Corporate America, I'm back working full time as a Trainer and Massage Therapist.  The return has been quite rewarding, and the working with some of my existing clients as well as new clients has been and continues to be both very educational and motivating. 

My clients challenge me to stay current and continue learning as much I can in my respective areas so that I can apply that knowledge to their continuous health and wellness program. 

In the next several months, I hope to acquire a certification in Golf Exercises to help Golfers improve their game, and expand my Sports Massage knowledge and training as well.

I'll keep you posted with my progress.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Soreness after a workout? Try Massage Therapy

Accordingly to the June 2012 issue of MensHealth, they stated that a ten minute massage of the muscles that were just exercised can help alleviate soreness and may help speed up the recovery process.